Wednesday, April 14, 2010

More iPad issues

And so last night after unsuccessfully scoring a decent iPad case/stand combo I perched the thing on a laptop angled stand and attempted a blog entry. Now on my laptop I have the option of using a stand alone weblog editor or blogger's online tool. On the iPad I had no such choice (though I suppose I could have used the notepad). Therefore I loaded up the blogger editor in Safari and went to work. Part way through the blog post I needed to cut and paste text from another website so I went and called up the website which refreshed. That can be bad but it wasn't. This time. I copied the text and went back to the blogger page to find that Safari had to reload the page. It "reloaded" a brand new blank blog post page. That was not cool at all. Fortunately blogger auto-saves your work so I was able to get back to it from the saved draft. God forbid someone is writing in an online tool that does not auto-save, they are one "let me check that last tab" click away from a world of hurt.

Then I needed to style the text I use custom CSS for blockquotes and bold items so I always add them in manually. DO you know how many keystrokes it takes to get a bracket? What is worse is that Safari believes that < blockquote > should be < block quote > and will GLADLY auto-correct for you.

So I will definitely be in need of a stand alone blogging tool for the iPad. Typing on it with a prop is not that bad at all (noted quibbles aside). Multi-tasking cannot come soon enough for this purpose. It is sad that my ancient N800, 3 years old @ 400 Mhz and 128MB RAM can out-blog this new kit.

If anyone knows a decent iPad weblog app drop me a note.

Some people may ask why I don't get the iPad dock and a wireless keyboard. Let me answer that right quick.

The iPad dock allows for portrait only orientation. As much as I can appreciate the throwback to manual typewriters I'd prefer landscape for that. Secondly I don't believe that the iPad ought to need a physical keyboard to write at length. As I indicated, once I got the iPad on a stand I was satisfied with the speed at which I could type on the onscreen keyboard in landscape mode.

I currently have an Addesso flexible USB keyboard for use with my N800. I don't like BT keyboards because that is yet another set of batteries I have to think about. If there was a iPad connector that would allow a keyboad to be connected to the iPad sans dock I would purchase it without delay. Still though I would prefer for the iPad to be fully functional without such attachments.

[Update 2]

Seems that the BlogPress app may fill my wants here. Too bad I can't try before I buy.