Thursday, March 28, 2013
The Woman That Caused a Thousand Resignations
Saturday, March 23, 2013
The Gender Bullshit Report
I was going to post this to my other blog but then realized that I would be posting so much anti-man stuff as to divert from the general purpose of that blog. So I'm posting it here.
"Donglegate" has been my last straw. Before that I was pretty much content to comment on the blatant gender double standards occasionally. But when two adult men cannot have an innocuous adult A-B conversation in a somewhat public venue without their very employment at risk, enough is enough.
Today I'm going to lay out some double standards that I have seen.
1) Fiat Abarth Commercial:
In this commercial the woman in the black and red dress is supposed to represent the car. The man in the commercial is "drooling" over it as he supposedly would be a woman. The car [woman] is "offended" that he is looking at her rear (while being bent over) and goes over to him and slaps him.
Why is this OK?
I get to hear every single day about domestic violence and shit and turn on the TV and have to see this commercial no less than 6 times in the space of one hour? Why is this OK? Would Fiat have even *considered* having a male "car" slap a female admirer? I think not!
2) V8 Commercial:

V8 has been rife with advertisements of women slapping (bopping) men in the head for "not eating right". Imagine if a dude said: "I hit my wife because she's eating shit all day."
The last 4 incidences of domestic violence came in a commercial entitled "husband and wife". I mean WHAT THE FUCK? Are we against domestic violence or are we NOT against domestic violence. Why, why, Why were we not treated to a single shot of the wife taking a hit? Not a one. Why is it that men are expected to take being physically assaulted by their wives (for eating what they please, when they please) but clearly the makers of V8 know that the reverse is unacceptable?
Some folks may be saying :"yoooo chill out it's only a commercial." Well fine then. When you get to the last item on the list, I say the same thing.
3) Kohler's Toilet Seat:
Ahh the Kohler self closing toilet seat. This commercial is all kinds of misandrist fail. The story here is a dude is taking a piss and then goes back to bed. His wife/lover is grinning because the seat is down and she doesn't have to treat him like a child and 'remind" him to close the seat.
Look. Men use the toilet one of two ways. We stand to piss and sit to shit. If we're bright and properly trained we put the seat UP so that we don't "miss" and piss on the seat. No one wants to piss on the seat because that means we gotta clean that up or face sitting in piss when next we shit. The point being is that adult men have learned to take the second it takes to check the status of the toilet *before* using it.
Somehow there are large numbers of women who have not learned this simple adult task and insist that the seat be left down by men so that they "don't fall in". No I'm not kidding. There are grown adult women have not learned to check first
before sitting and feel entitled to blame men and berate men about what position the seat has been left in.
personally I think the Kohler commercial should have ended with "'cause the bitch is too lazy to check for herself." I'm certain at least one man in the advertising company (if there were ANY in it other than the actor) had this thought. Well actually, given what I've seen this week, that may not have been the case.
What the commercial also shows is how much men are afraid of the women they are dealing with. Scared to death to see her displeased or inconvenienced in any way. Oh boy! if I leave the seat up I might not get laid tonight! I may have to hear her complain and I don't have the guts to say "shut the fuck up about the seat already." 'Cause if I say that I might not get laid! Oh NOES!
Actually, under the new VAWA act, him saying "shut the fuck up about the seat already" would qualify as domestic abuse. I kid you not.
4) 9 Year Old Girl wants to make a video game.
Mashable posts this story with this lead image.
First what the fuck does a girl who wants to make video games have to do with boys making video games? Quick answer Not a damn thing. Look. If a 9 year old wants to make a video game that's a great thing all by itself. No need for comparisons or even discussions about boys. But if we're GOING to discuss the boys, why the fuck are you posting some goofy looking boys as a comparison?
I'll tell you why? Simply to typecast boys as sexist idiots as to gain sympathy for the girl. This is "damselling" something that's supposed to be frowned upon.
The video goes on with some real utter nonsense as it starts to shame women who are apparently "not smart"
first up is the rather lithe woman on the arms of an alleged "sugar daddy". 9 year old doesn't want to end up like her.
Well that's all fine and good but what's up with the slut shaming (or better put Sugar baby shaming)? If a woman wants to make herself available to a rich man that's her business. You don't have to do it but if you do? Not my business or yours.
And note to the idiot who made the video: "Sugar Daddy" is not a "life plan" ("sugar baby" maybe). Sugar Daddy is what happens when a dude has generally "made it" and happens to still be single (or not) and can afford to pay some woman's way. And if my recent trip to Miami is any indication, there are no shortage of willing participants (male or female). Oh and many of these (sugar babies) are college students who are getting their tuition paid by these men...not too unlike getting random strangers to pay for one's programming school kickstart.
Anyway. this girl wants to make a game that does not involve getting killed as a consequence of fucking up in a game (and doesn't have "bad words". So much for her reading this blog entry). Well that's nice. Really. I just hope she understands that if you have say a "war" game that one of the consequences of fucking up in war is ummmm death. Dying is an incentive to play well. Sorry to have to break this real life thing on your playing.
Look. I don't have a problem with this girl wanting to make a video game. I don't have a problem with her kickstarting to go to programming camp.
I do have a problem with the Sugar baby shaming, the sugar daddy shaming and the boy shaming.
There was no need for any of it.
5)Ford's Advertising Apology:
Patrick George (so sad for a man with two male names to be such a pussy but hey) shows his feminist ways congratulating Ford for apologizing for an advertisement.
See it's sexist for Ford to show Silvio Berlusconi in a Ford [that he'll probably never own or drive] with three bound and gagged women in the back. Wait...sorry... three bound and gagged strippers in the back. WAit..wait... three bound and gagged strippers that Silvio is going to kill and throw in a ditch How do I know they are strippers? Because Patrick says so! I mean we know Silvia has a thing for strippers but I didn't even THINK strippers. Patrick had to fill that in for me. For all I knew these were simply young women he fucked.
But see, according to Patrick, I lack "nuance" because I fail to understand the power dynamic at play
Well Excuse-eh-MOI for not even THINKING of murder and strippers when I see women. What kind of lowly man I must be to NOT assume women in close proximity to a man, a powerful man at that, are strippers.
Lets all thank Patrick for letting us low brow and uneducated men that when we see women near Silvia, they MUST be strippers AND that men who tie them up MUST be murderers.
I'm the sexist one for not reading nefarious intentions into a picture.
But lest you think I protest WAYYY to much. There are other advertisements in what appears to be a set with the same theme.
Why can't I assume that this chick has tied up the Khardashians and is off to kill them and throw them in a ditch? Oh right because it's a woman. Since it's a woman there is no "power dynamic".
Yes, please do laugh.
Should we mention that one of them has appeared in a sex tape?
Yeah. OK.
But this is OK by Mr. Patrick "Nuance" George.
This one is "hilarious".
I suppose it's because we can't assume these are male strippers dressed as automobile racers.
Lets' be clear Silvio is shitted on because he like fucking young women. Older women don't approve so Silvio is a scumbag. Men who are in fear of earning the disapproval of women say Silvio is a scumbag while knowing that if they had a chance (and functioning parts), they too would be fucking young women too.
So this wraps up this weeks Gender Bullshit report. This is by no means an exhaustive list of the Bullshit I saw this week. But I'm going to continue with it since apparently these double standards are being accepted.
PS: I just want to re-iterate my call for Pycon 2014 to be boycotted by those of good intentions. Let Pycon and other event organizers understand that men will not tolerate being intimidated by staff, ejected or treated like anything other than the paying adults that they are at these events. I am quite certain that one year with a 50% drop in male attendance (and whatever number of women) will get their attention. Organize a competing event if the lessons and contacts are that important to you, but if you all fail to stand up to this rank bullying it will grow and get worse.

Friday, March 15, 2013
Knot Yet: Getting married later can have economic costs, benefits
In complete contradiction to the piece in the NY Times I posted about yesterday, the LA times reports that getting married later can have economic costs, benefits
But there's a problem:
Americans are getting married at ever-older ages, and a new report says this trend may be partly responsible for the shrinking of the middle class.I believe I said this.
For college-educated men and women, delaying marriage has paid off – literally. By enabling them to finish school and get their careers established, these younger adults are investing in themselves for the long haul. The return on this investment is most significant for women: Those who finish college and get married after turning 30 earn $18,152 more per year, on average, than women who marry in their 20s or teens. Even women who are high school graduates but don’t finish college earn $4,052 more per year, on average, than women who marry when they’re younger.Two big problems here: 1) You don't go comparing college graduates with teenage mothers and persons who did not graduate from college. It is already known that College education alone is responsible for an increase in income. Alone. Whether a woman marries early or not, if she does not go to college or some post secondary education (trade school) she's going to earn less, period. Marriage has no bearing on that since one can be married AND educated or in the process of education. The only "risk" from marriage is childbearing as children are a financial liability regardless of education. And why-oh-why didn't the LA Times fail to point out that many of these "delayed" married women with the 'extra income" also have a lot of school debt as well?
Thursday, March 14, 2013
Younger Generations Lag Parents in Wealth-Building
The NY Times reporting:
Ms. Brady has plenty of company. A new study from the Urban Institute finds that Ms. Brady and her peers up to roughly age 40 have accrued less wealth than their parents did at the same age, even as the average wealth of Americans has doubled over the last quarter-century.An interesting situation which I'm not entirely surprised about. Not to pick on the woman at the head of the post, I want to use her story as an example of why I the NY Times has missed the major reason for this.
Pearl Brady has a stable job with good benefits and holds two degrees, a bachelor’s and a master’s. But despite her best efforts, she has no savings, and worries that it will be years before she manages to start putting away money for a house, children and eventually retirement. “I’m in that extremely nervous category,” said Ms. Brady, 28, a Brooklynite who works for a union. “I know how much money I’m going to be making for the near term. I hope in my 30s and 40s to be able to save, but I have no idea how. It’s scary.”She's 28, wants a house and children and save for retirement. Not a single mention of marriage. She "hopes" to be able to save in her 30's and 40's. I see. Marriage, particularly for women is the best way to increase net worth. This is true across race. I have written about this on my other blog so I wont repeat it here. It does not surprise me that at a time where this generation is deep in debt, it also the least married generation (in terms of age of first marriage) and the generation with the most single parents. Single parenting is a huge drain on resources yet and still it is taboo in certain circles to mention that being a single mother is a bad idea and that getting (and staying) married is one of the best financial decisions a man and woman can make. Of course landlords love the perpetually single younger generation because the longer they are single, odds are the longer they will need an apartment. High demand = high rent. Entertainment companies love it too, since single men and women spend money entertaining themselves rather than worrying about mortgages, education and the stuff that adults of a generation ago concerned themselves with.
For now, millions of younger workers are on their own. “We both had vanilla lower-middle-to-middle-class lifestyles,” said Christopher Greer, a 32-year-old who works in astronomy and lives in Arizona, referring to himself and his girlfriend. “I’m not sure how that’s going to play out for us.”Here's my advice: Stop dicking around and get married. Move in with each other and split the bills equitably. Look at all your now collective debt and make a plan to pay each one down one by one and/or one partner pay the debts while the other does the savings.
Tuesday, March 12, 2013
Harvard Searched E-Mails for Source of Media Leaks
I have repeatedly told people that at the job, there is no privacy so stop thinking your "personal" material sent via their servers cannot be looked at.
Harvard secretly searched the e-mail accounts of several of its staff members last fall, looking for the source of news media leaks about its recent cheating scandal, but did not tell them about the searches for several months, people briefed on the matter said on Saturday.
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