Apparently this woman has set back women in gaming by "being on display" and being scantily clad...at a party.
I'm going to repeat my boycott call of these conferences, particularly by the male attendees over these overreactions and sensitivity bullshit. Particularly this notion that making a product that appeals to [straight] men is bad.
I doubt it will happen as too many men of these days are merely sexual mature males who, having been dominated by their mothers during their formative years find themselves unable to assert their personhood, likes and dislikes in public settings. Instead apologizing for things they do not do wrong, because an asswhole or two who more likely than not got himself drunk decides to assault other attendees.
Another idea is that in such events such as parties alternate groups should make "unofficial" parties for adults. You know, people who don't get upset about dongle jokes, Forking or "scantily clad women or men". The rest can go to the "children's table" where they can keep things....you know..under parental guidance lest the children become upset.