Monday, July 30, 2007

Law is 'unjust' for unwed couples?

The BBC is reporting that:
It says the current law is "unjust" and the 2.2m co-habiting couples in England and Wales should have more protection if they split up.

The report says the majority of couples who live together wrongly believe they are protected by what is known as "common law" marriage.

But it has denied its proposals will undermine marriage.
Ummm Yeah yes it does. If you've been living together for ages without getting married it ain't an accident. You know full well that you have an out that does not include judges, lawyers, lawyers bills or alimony. Given the divorce rate in the US (not sure if it holds up in the UK) THAT is a heck of a deal.
For example, if a partner has given up a career to bring up children, they should receive compensation in the event the couple separates.
Compensation? For what? You knew you weren't married. You knew full well that the relationship could basically end on a whim and you ought to be compensated for what could have amounted to a dumb decision while knowing the risks? If you wanted to "compensation" you should have gotten married. What they hell is wrong with people? They don't want to play the game, but want all the benefits.

You want legal cover for your relationship, get married. Want an easy out: Shack up.

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