Friday, May 22, 2020

Running To The Crawl: Two Fer

Yesterday I saw that the local HS track was open so I planned to do a MAF test today. However; by the time I was ready to run today it was in the 70s and no way I was going to have a good MAF test at such temperatures. So instead I did a two fer:

16 mile bike ride at no more than MAF heart rate followed immediately by a 3 mile run at MAF rate. I haven't done such a thing in years. Tomorrow morning we find out whether I broke my body with an early morning "can't walk" or if I'm fit enough to take that. The latter would bode well for October. Very well.

Tuesday, May 12, 2020

The NYT Is Trash


This should have never been OK'd for publication.

Sunday, May 3, 2020

Running To The Crawl: Too Hot!

So in a previous post I mentioned that I was going to drop my MAF runs to a lower heart rate. Ha. Jokes on me. Yesterday's 5 miler witnessed me desperately trying to keep at my MAF heart rate while my pace jumped into the....nines.

This was with low 70s. Today I went for a 10 miler and was totally unable to keep MAF rate and so I made it into a threshold run. This means my MAF "runs" this summer are going to feature a whole lot of walking which hasn't happened since January.

So the new plan is, Wake up early (still on lockdown so I don't have to worry about getting ready for a commute) and "run" when it is coolest for most of the week and for faster paced runs I won't worry about time of day. Hopefully this pays off dividends when the temps drop again.