Friday, November 29, 2013

Microsoft Publishes Sexist Form Letter To Help Dudes Convince Women To Let Them Buy An Xbox One

So Alex Wilhelm (among others I suppose) is upset at Microsoft's letter than men can give to their alleged female partner in order to get them to agree to an XBox One purchase. Among the sexist things listed by the author:

1) Women don't own consoles.

2) It's Hetero-normative. (and all this time you thought the majority of humans, as in the vast majority are heterosexual and that heterosexuality is how the species [naturally] reproduces).

3) Women are the only ones with families they want to talk to.

But what the author fails to notice, how I do not know, is the very idea that a grown ass man has to ask ANYONE for permission to spend his money as he see's fit.

That's called Misandry. Thank you very much. And I find that quite offensive.

Note to Microsoft and Alex Wilhelm. I'm a grown ass man. If I want an XBox One (or any other item for that matter) I will simply purchase it and bring it home. I will consider its impact on the home I share with my wife/girlfriend, but she doesn't get veto power over the use of my money because THAT is sexist.

Thank you.