Monday, January 14, 2008

Proposed NJ Turnpike Tolls

On my other blog I complained about how much it cost me to drive to Miami (or was that Baltimore?). Anyway the crux of my complaint was the ridiculous numbers of tolls that one has to pay between NJ and Washington DC. For the privilege of traveling over a bridge in Delaware one pays a toll. I mean a toll to go all of maybe 5 miles. Then another and another and another. In the space of say 50 miles, one can pay at least 3 tolls. Why? Road, like speeding tickets are all about revenue. just as speeding tickets are about fattening county coffers so are toll roads. they go to pay for things unrelated to roads. I would prefer to pay a federal 'road tax" and a state "road tax" once and be done with all tolls from border to border. Tolls add to and cause traffic. When I made that trip last summer, whenever I came to a congested area I bet myself that there was a toll coming up. 90% of the time I was right. Cars emit more pollution when they are crawling and gas mileage suffers, unless you're in a hybrid or electric car So not only do tolls cause traffic problems, it also contributes to pollution. But what is worse is that one ought to be able to drive from one end of the country to the other without:

a) being surveilled (EasyPass)
b) being pick pocketed (tolled).

Now I understand how states may want to charge commercial entities for using the roads to make money. Fine. Federal Road tax and State road tax on businesses that make travel exemptions or who are in the business of deliveries. In fact I think if New Jersey, and the rest of the states, were to stop giving out Corporate welfare cheques (called tax breaks and tax incentives) there'd be all kinds of money in the state coffers.

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