Monday, July 6, 2009

From Apple TV to the Old Powerbook G4

And so this weekend, after discovering that Hulu once again, does not work on Boxee, leading to aborted attempts to watch new episodes of Burn Notice, I went and purchased a DVI to HDMI cable and hooked up the old Powerbook G4 to my TV.

At this point I truly regret purchasing the Apple TV. I admit this is mostly my fault since Boxee wasn't releaseware (perpetual alpha-beta) and that a Mac mini, while costing me about twice as much would have resulted in a far more capable media center.

But many people would have to admit that the draw for Boxee was full screen on your TV Hulu. It was and is the cable replacement for many of us. But alas, because the people at Hulu have decided that somehow watching Hulu content on your TV represented some major threat to their business model, Hulu on Boxee is all but a dead case. Of course I still watch Hulu on my TV and I still don't have "premium" cable content. so I'm not sure how Hulu wins here. And it's not all that inconvenient either. The biggest obstacle being that the PB does not have a remote so I have to use it's keyboard and trackpad. This could be alleviated with some bluetooth device but I won't go there. If Hulu continues to not work on Boxee I'll be ditching the Apple TV and purchasing a Mini to take it's place. I'll probably see some power savings too given how warm the ATV can get.