Saturday, August 17, 2013


It seems the older I get the more critical of movies I get. So here's two problems I have with Elysium: 1) The accident: What factory makes a door that does not disengage when there is a jam? I have a 16 YO car that will reverse the power windows if there is a jam. While I can understand the whole they are trying to be as profitable as possible, given that the door blocks radiation that apparently could kill everyone in the vicinity which would be very bad for productivity, you'd think that there would be some override or "please fully open and then close the door" kind of safety. 2) Elysium itself. If rich people want to live in space well fine. The question I have is how they get food, clothes, and the like. I didn't see any factories on Elysium. Nor did I see any farms. I saw a whole lot of mansions but no farms. As a matter of fact, I didn't see much in the way of eating on earth either. A lot of drinking but no real easting. So where is the farmland? I'm just sayin', if the population is that large there has GOT to be a means of food and clothes production. I didn't see it. Okay I have a third issue: While yeah, it's a shit move to keep the instant healing machines to themselves, if the Earth is overpopulated, how does having mass deployment of instant healing machines help that? It's not like people can GO to Elysium permanently since it is even smaller than the Moon. So essentially, per the movie, the Earth will become more overpopulated, the people will still be poor (but healthy!) and the rich will still live off world, cause from what the movie presents, living on Earth is something to avoid if you can.