I'm watching a channel named after a men's magazine and I presented with a commercial to help me get water for women in some developing country. What. The. Entire. Fuck?
I'm not opposed to supplying water to people. Men, women, boys and girls. But I'll be damned if I give to ANY program that specifically excludes men and I think any man who DOES give to such a blatantly sexist program is a self hating dick.
And water.org?
Safe water transforms lives. For more than twenty years, Water.org has pioneered safe water and sanitation solutions that give women hope, children health and communities a future. Join us.Because men don't need safe and sanitary water.
Fuck you.
I cannot imagine a "lets get water to disadvantaged people" program that explicitly said they were giving it for men, that wouldn't be immediately (and rightly) taken apart for it's sexism. But there is no misandry. Doesn't exist.