Wednesday, April 29, 2020

Running To The Crawl: Tick Tock, Tick Tock

VA governor Northam is doing his best to keep me from running an official half marathon this year. Apparently he wants to keep the state shut for a year or so. We'll see how long that, and his governorship, lasts if he does that. Anyway

So One of the things for this summer was to up my cadence by running with a metronome. Today was the first 5 miler with it. Started out at 86 BPM and got it up to 89 by the second mile. Average speed dropped by 13 seconds. This is with a 10 step per minute increase. Once I got into it I realized I can probably do a faster cadence but this was a good start. The no music thing is going to be a problem on long runs.

So clear proof, if you need it, that increased cadence will speed up your pace at the same effort (I was doing a MAF run as well). If this keeps up I may be looking at dropping another 20 or so seconds off my half....whenever I get to run one.