Friday, April 24, 2020

Running To The Crawl

I thought Road to The Crawl was dumb so it's Running to The Crawl. So since the Sham was cancelled and I have all this fitness with nothing to do, I decided that I would train for the Crawling Crab held in October. I thought the race was in Norfolk, VA but apparently it's in Hampton, VA. Makes the hotel plans a but more complicated since the Sham doubles as a kind of beachfront holiday.

Currently the Vomeros are showing wear, particularly on my left, problem, foot. For such expensive sneakers to be showing more wear at half the mileage of my cheaper sneakers is not confidence inspiring. The Pegs await fast days and race days so I'm not worried about that pair. But I'll clearly have to invest in another 2 pairs of sneakers prior to October.

On the training front I'm "flattening the MAF" as in I'm dropping my average slow pace heart rate for the slower runs. Instead of trying to push to MAF and stay there, I'm allowing myself to run at a lower rate, not necessarily slower pace. I'm currently testing out a Mi Band 4 which does not have an always on screen. So I have no idea how fast I'm running except for when I get to a mile marker. I recently ran a 12 mile PR under these conditions, which previously required me to run *very* fast for the last two miles. So not knowing how fast I'm running during a run, but only knowing my heart rate, is proving very beneficial.

Lastly, I'm working on my cadence. My band, and watch, has been saying that my cadence is 167 which is very low. Since both of these things do not accurately measure my heart rate I'm concerned that it may be low. So I'm going to do a test to count my cadence. Experts say that I should be at 180. Taller people, like myself, tend to have lower cadences so if I get into the mid 170s I'd be happy. Unfortunately the metronome app I have conflicts with the music app sooo running in silence would be required. I don't like running in silence.
