Monday, June 9, 2008

Steve Jobs at WWDC2008

Isn't he looking a bit gaunt? Seriously, I don't think I've ever seen him so slim.
And I recall that Mr. Jobs was discussing the security issues with RIM, including a little comment about how RIM's servers were a point of failure, yet now mobile Me uses, well, Apple Servers. Of course Apple is not going to be between a corporation and it's phones, but still, given the numerous times .Mac has gone down....

Edit: Some people are claiming that Steve Jobs looked no less "slim" than he did last year or before. BS. There have been numerous photos of the man around in the last year, and he clearly has less hair now and far less body fat. if he was sick with some "bug" it must be some bug that's been inhabiting his stomach for quite a while. I think a lot of people are plain scared to discuss it, but Steve was not looking all that good Monday. Sounded cool, but did not look right at all.

I don't know if he's been on chemo or on some low calorie diet where you purposely under eat, it's really not my business. But folks who say Steve is looking "normal" are either in denial or need there eyes checked.

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