Tuesday, June 17, 2008

That Pinging noise...?

And so the NY Times reports that people with engines recommending premium are putting in regular instead.

Even though the car’s manual says he should use premium, Mr. Alterio, 59, said the occasional pinging from his engine, caused by using the lower-octane gas, is worth the savings.
Yeah that pinging noise? Well let me explain what that is. See your computer AKA ECU, determines when the spark plug ought to ignite the air fuel mixture in your engine for optimal power and lowest emissions. The detonation of this mixture happens somewhere around TDC (top dead center) and usually somewhere after the piston has reached TDC.

That pinging noise is the fuel igniting beforeq the ECU sends the spark. That is called pre-ignition. It is happening before the piston reaches TDC and it puts HUGE pressure on the piston. It is akin to hitting the piston with a hammer while it is trying to travel in an upwards direction.

Fuel economy suffers. Pollutants, especially the deadly NOx gasses, go through the roof and you cna destroy your pistons and piston rings. You don't want to know what that will cost you. So if you have plans on keeping that vehicle for any amount of time, I would strongly, strongly suggest that if your engine is pinging on regular, that you pump it up a notch or you will spend that "savings" either on rebuilding the engine or putting a downpayment on another vehicle.

Automotive experts say that following the manufacturer’s instructions is advisable, and that some high-performance cars can experience knocking and hesitation when accelerating, and possibly some engine damage, if regular gas is used when a higher grade is recommended.

“The only thing I’ve noticed is more money in my wallet,” said Steve Altman, standing alongside a black 2007 Mercedes on Lee Highway in Arlington, across the Potomac River from Washington. He made the switch from premium gas two weeks ago, he said, and his car runs no differently than before. Still, he plans to add a fuel injection cleaner at the end of the month, just in case.

Oh yeah, most of those injector cleaners are shyt. Unless one is popping Chevron Techron (which I recommend) you're guaranteed to be wasting your money. Of course that stuff isn't exactly cheap.