Tuesday, January 29, 2013

The Three Most Common Lies Told

People lie.

People lie about a lot of things.

People worry about the "big lies" but in reality it's the small and most common ones that are doing the most harm to them and their relationships. What are these lies?

1) I'm OK.

This is perhaps the most common lie. It is the knee-jerk common response to "how are you." It is given when we "don't want to get into it." and rather than say that, we say "I'm OK". Yes it may be "code" but it is a lie. How often do you use it?

2)It's OK.

This one is used when someone we usually "care about" wants us to do something or has done something that we don't care for. Since we don't want to hurt them or otherwise "jeopardize" the relationship we say "it's OK". How often do you use it?

3)I don't mind

This one is closely related to number 2. Possibly another way of saying number 2. In either case, it's so often used that people generally don't question it when it is said. The general lie clue? If you feel you should respond to this comment with "are you sure?" You've probably been lied to. If you are the person who's hearing "Are you sure?" There's a good chance you're lying. How often do you use this one?