So I happened upon one of the Twilight movies the other day. I usually turn when it comes on as I'm not the target audience but decided I would give it a go to see why it's so popular. That didn't last long. Apparently there are two groups: Vampires and Wolves. Fine. Then there's this human female. Apparently she's the love interest of both a vampire and a wolf. OK. Female human decides she's going to lay up and get pregnant by the vampire. Ok. Wolf boy decides he's gonna stick around as a “friend”.
No seriously. What kind of wussy bullshit is that?
I turn around and this chick is 20 months pregnant with a vampire baby who is apparently sucking the life out of her. She's surrounded by all manner of vampire folks and this lone wolf guy is sulking but present. Why?
Then after the baby literally busts out the mother leaving her dead (and soon to be a vampire) wolf guy not only jumps to her aide but when his fellow wolves come (for reasons I still have not figured out and honestly don't care) he jumps out to defend the vampires.
Why is wolf guy still around once his “love interest” decided to take up with the vampire? Does he have any amount of self-respect? He reminds me of that guy who shot up the people in california. Stuck on the wrong female(s). If she doesn't want you then move along. Is the creator of this “saga” telling us that no other women, sorry they are under age so, girls, are interested in him? He doesn't have any other females he is interested in? No seriously. It's one thing if he were still hoping to get with her before she got knocked up. But why. The. Fuck is he still around after the vampire put his little one in her?
Wolf man should have been out. Of course this would ruin the fantasy world that the author and audience, which I suspect is mostly female, that has been constructed where not only do they get the prince but a fall back “dependable” mofo to boot.
Look you young ones out there. There is probably a female out there you're gaga about. Fine. All us straight men have been there at some point. Here's the deal. If she decides that she would rather fuck around with Prince charming (not you) or Jock of the Week (not you) or Big Man On Campus (not you) or anybody else, while fully knowing you are desirous of her, then you put your mind to someone else. You don't need to wish her ill will. Wish her good luck and move, the fuck, on. Do not be the fall back guy. Do not be that mofo she calls up and complains to about her man problems. Not your problem. As soon as that shit starts your response is to be “oh wow. Sorry to hear that but I have homework (or anything else) to do. Good luck with that.” and hang up. Whatever you do, do not be wolf guy. You WILL be sorry.
The Strain
So the new stuff on FX is The Strain. One of the sub plots of this show is that the main CDC doctor is going through a divorce and is, as of this writing, dealing with child custody issues. A few notes on this bullshit.
Firstly, this guy works for the CDC and is responsible for protecting the health of the entire US of A. Not exactly a low responsibility job. Apparently he is divorcing because his piece of shit wife thinks that he doesn't spend enough time at home with her and their son. Yes, this piece of shit wife, doesn't appreciate that she is married to a man with the responsibility for the health of the ENTIRE US of A. Rather than make sure he doesn't have to worry about home and the child they had, she decided to get divorced.
Am I the only one who thinks she is a total piece of shit for that move? Oh right he did cheat or is cheating (not entirely sure about how that is going on) but I suppose that entire plot twist is a way to justify wife's piece of shittiness.
Anyway. The wife, ex-wife, whatever, has a new “man”. And when I say “man” I mean that in the “sexually mature male” manner. This man is fucking the piece of shit wife in the house made possible by the ex-husband's salary (made by protecting the entire US of A from disease), and who is still paying the mortgage.
After a court hearing in which the son has declared he wants to be with mom so that dad can do his important work with the CDC the piece of shit wife tries to shame her ex husband by declaring how the new man is being a “real father” by spending time with their son.
No that boyfriend who has brought nothing but his dick to the table is what we call a “disneyland dad”. He's the fun guy with zero responsibilities. He's not paying the mortgage. He didn't make the downpayment on the house. I haven't even seen that mofo WORK. And if he works he doesn't do shit anywhere near as important as keeping the ENTIRE US of A protected from dangerous diseases.
See, back in the day, fathers used to take their son's to work with them. That was when society was largely agriculture based and some people had small artisan type businesses. You taught your son the trade that you had. If you were a blacksmith you taught your son the trade. Mechanic. Same. Plumber? Same. Taylor, welder, whatever. Son's rather than being under the supervision of women for their entire childhood, became apprentices to their father's trade. Thus a situation where “your father is never home” didn't come up because father and son worked together.
The times this did not apply is if the son did not have an interest in the father's trade or the family wanted a “better life” for their kid and sent them off to school. Today though these things generally do not apply. Unless one owns a small business, the son is not made an apprentice to the father. He cannot go to dad's job and learn the trade. This is the situation with the main CDC character. His “trade” does not allow the presence of a small boy. His son may later become a doctor, but that will be far in the future. Knowing this, the piece of shit wife was SUPPOSED to prepare the son for the work that would be involved to take on the father's trade (if he wanted). Instead she gets Disneyland dad and tries to shame the ex with him.
Stephen Smith
Lastly we have this Stephen Smith issue. Lets be clear on the facts.
The most recent large-scale study of domestic violence was conducted by Harvard researchers and published in the American Journal of Public Health. The study, which surveyed 11,000 men and women, found that, according to both men’s and women’s accounts, 50 percent of the violence in their relationships was reciprocal (involving both parties). In those cases, the women were more likely to have been the first to strike. Moreover, when the violence was one-sided, both women and men said women were the perpetrators about 70 percent of the time.So with this in mind we see that Stephen Smith said nothing wrong. He said nothig that was not factual. Why was Stephen Smith suspended AND why did he take it? We can't even make factual statements anymore?
Stephen Smith should sue his employer for gender based harassment and discrimination. Why? Because Whoopi Goldberg defended Smith by repeating the same thing Smith said. She was not suspended and Disney owns both ESPN and ABC. If simply stating that women ought not put their hands on men (or anyone else for that matter) is a suspending offense, then Goldberg ought not be seeing her seat on the view for the same amount of time as Smith.
Where are the advocates on that? Where's Media Matters? Where's Move On? They send me mail about all kinds of shit but can't be bothered when a person is attacked by an employer for stating the obvious?