Wednesday, August 13, 2014

Robin Williams

The recent death of Robin Williams made me think of my favorite Robin Williams movie. While many of the commentaries I've seen on Robin's career have centered on his comedic movies and hits like Mrs. Doubtfire and Good Will Hunting, for me One Hour Photo was the one that stuck with me. It was the first Robin Williams movie I saw where he was not being funny. His introverted, troubled, in need of love character was the polar opposite of everything I had seen before. Though honestly I didn't really follow Robin like that.

There was something about that sad face Robin could put on his face that was symbolic of deep suffering that stuck with me. I have rarely if ever seen a comedian do such a thing. I didn't know at the time that Robin was dealing with an alcoholism problem and certainly did not expect to hear of a suicide.

The report that it was a suicide made me go right back to One Hour Photo. Maybe what I saw was really the real Robin Williams. It is commonly said that one of the ways that Black folks survived slavery and the like was to develop a sense of humor to laugh through the hard times. It could be that Robin's humor was his own means of dealing with very real deep down issues. Insomnia was another one that struck me for the same reasons as One Hour Photo.

Again, there was Robin Williams playing a murderer. The comic showing a very different side.

You'll probably not hear these movies mentioned when watching or listening to the coverage of Robin Williams, but for me, these are the movies I'll really remember him for.