Saturday, November 1, 2014

Makes Me Wanna Hollar[Back]

So unless you've been under a rock for the past week you heard about this video of a white woman (allegedly Jewish, not that it matters) walking around Manhattan NY for 10 hours racking up 110 harassing incidents. There are a couple of things that should be noted about this video, lets get to it.

1) The Maths.

Getting 110 incidences of “harassment” in 10 hours could seem to be quite epic. The video is highly time compressed and focuses on what I assume were to more “egregious” examples of harassment. Indeed the end of the video has text that indicates that “winks” and “whistles” were edited out. We'll get to that in a few but first the maths.

First and foremost. Who. THE. FUCK walks around Manhattan NYC for 10 hours straight? No seriously. I'm not just talking about being out and about for 10 hours. I mean walking around apparently aimless, without any expression whatsoever, speaking to nobody? Not even a cell phone call? No headphones? Who the fuck does that in New York City? For goodness sakes at least act like a normal person in NY and put on some sunglasses (you know we all wear 'em) and put on some headphones like everybody else and look like you're going somewhere to do something. Ok rant over. Back to the maths.

So 100 incidences in 600 minutes means someone did something every 6 minutes. We do not know whether incidences like the crew of men who told her to smile were counted as one incident involving multiple persons or multiple incidences with one per person. If it is the latter then I think the count needs to be dropped. Why? Because if a group of people stop you and robb you, you weren't robbed three times but you were robbed once by three people.

2) What exactly is harassment?

I have a problem with some of the actions considered harassment. It appears that the author ascribes to the theory that any comment made within earshot whether directed at the person or not, that is not specifically asked for, is harassment. I do not ascribe to such a theory. This theory presupposes the idea that we each can police the bodies of other people. That simply is unacceptable. To this end I completely reject the claim that “winks” are harassment. I also reject the idea that saying “good morning” is harassment. I do not know how many of the 100 were winks and “good mornings”. But removing those incidences would lengthen the time between incidences.

So what is harassment? Harassment is generally behavior meant to disturb or upset someone. One may claim that one wishes to walk down the street and not be spoken to (or to speak to anyone) and therefore anyone who DOES speak to you is harassing you. The problem with that is it assumes that all unsolicited contact is harassment (it is not). It also assumes that everyone knows that you do not wish to be contacted. That's what we refer to as mind-reading. Those of us in a sane world know that we cannot expect others to know what is in our minds. Also it assumes that such contact was done with the intent to disturb. With this in mind we return to the video to comment on the actual harassing that was done.

Those persons who felt the need to tell Shoshana that she “needed to smile” were harassing her. Criticising a person on the street because you don't like how their face looks is definitive “disturb”.

I'd like to point out something here though. In this video there are a total of three women in the scene. In front of Shoshana was a rather large woman in a pink top. Apparently nobody said shit to her. Is it clear to Shoshana that she is the recipient of "looks privilege"? The worst cases were the black guy who decided to walk beside Shoshana for blocks. A couple of things on this:

In the beginning this guy wasn't out of line. He said his piece seeing if he would get a response. Then it looked like he was going to take his rejection..

But then he goes to walking beside her for quite some time. Let's discuss what is likely going on here Most of the black males commenting assumed Shoshana was “Latina”. This is evidenced by the “hey mami” comments. It is a pretty well known fact that black men, in general have a thing for “not so black” women. OKCupid did research on their members that shows that their black male customers preferred “latina” women over black women (note check the really low scores that black women get from other races. It is not pretty). Other research shows that black men “marrying out” at a rate of 22% (and IMO that number is growing) beaten only by marrying out by Asian women (who usually go after white males. Many Asian males are NOT happy about that).

With this in mind we realize that the fellow walking next to Shoshana was actually using her as a prop to show off to the community that he is “with” Shoshana.

Ohh lookit me with a WHITE[ish] GIRL!!

His hope is that one of his boys would see him with the “mami” whome he would later get props for “getting at”. For those of you who doubt this phenomenon I will relate a date I was on with a biracial woman who would be classified as “latina”. We went somewhere I have gone to in the past. As I walked to the bathroom to wash my hands, I was given the “thumbs up” by not less than 3 black males who were in the restaurant with their dates (I presume). I have never had any such thing happen when I was in the same location with black women. Never. And yes, they were attractive thank you very much.

So in essence not only was Shoshana making a commentary on street harassment, but she was also demonstrating her high status among those black males relative to the black women who we can also see in the video who not a single man in the street made any commentary too.

Does that mean that black women do not get that treatment? They do. I have witnessed it.For example, one summer on the 165 street mall/walkway off Jamaica avenue. There was a rather hour glass shaped woman in very form fitting clothes who got the attention of a crew of men by a sneaker store. So yeah it happens. But to be sure it happens to women who are considered above average attractiveness. But anyone who is honest knows that special attention is given to those “not so black” women.

3) Courtship or Harassment?

The next incident of note is the rather persistent male in the red cap.

What's the phrase? Persistence is the key to success?

There is a problem with this example because it starkly highlights the gender expectations in “courtship”. In essence men are expected to take the risks and approach women. There is usually a high level of rejection and a level of game playing between genders where persistence is required to make a connection. Anyone familiar with the classic Roxanne Roxanne track by UTFO knows that is a shining example of “rapping to a sista”. In short, the idea is that if you have the “right rap” you an get "the digits" (e-mail address preferred!) and hopefully more. However it is expected that you will be rejected or met with skepticism with your first attempt and therefore a bit of persistence (sometimes called “game”) is necessary to get past the “get away from me loser” response.

Higher status men are usually able to use their material possessions to get past the “get away from me loser” and can illicit positive responses with their vehicles, clothes and jewelry. Low status males usually can only depend on their guile and slick words. Mr. Persistent was by appearances a low status male. That's not to disrespect him. It is what it is.

So here's the thing. Is it fair for a society that expects males to take all the risk in initiating courtship to also be hit with charges for harassment? Doesn't sound fair to me. On top of that, while we could say that “he should have known” once she failed to respond, I would counter that it was her failure to respond that turned this situation into what it became. Is it too much to ask that once it was clear that this fellow was trying to ask her out (as HE is expected to if HE is interested) that she tell him “thanks but no thanks”? Is regular human common decency no longer expected from women? Here is a heterosexual man trying to get the attention of a woman (you know, normal shit) and he's being clowned across the internet for it. For all the talk of the importance of "sex ed" in schools, apparently there is a failure in some quarters to deal with the psychology of courtship.

And here's the thing, we don't know how Shoshana met her lapdog, sorry boyfriend, but I suspect he made uninvited advances to her. It may not have been on the street, but it likely happened. And in that case she decided that she liked him so it was OK. This is also a part of the problem with claims of harassment. It is sometimes entirely dependent upon WHO is doing the unsolicited human contact. If it is some “loser” “creep” or whatever other label placed on males who women do not care for (or don't need something from..or do...) then it is harassment. But if it's the “hot” guy who runs the Central Park lake who gives a wink and says good morning. It's an “OMG I gotta tell my girls” moment.

Lastly I want to deal with this common bullshit I hear from women: "I wasn't dressed up or anything".

[ Shirt and Jeans? So?]

Look. Women dress up to compete with each other. Heterosexual males do not give a good damn if you are wearing booty shorts or sweats and a bandana. While men are somewhat required to signify status via material showing in order to increase the odds of success with women. This is why we see many instances of men who are generally considered "not good looking" with women who could be considered way out of his league. Women are not under the same pressure. Women merely have to be more attractive than the woman next to her to "win". This phenomenon is clearly demonstrated in the video where the "harassers" clearly ignored the other women in the area who were objectively speaking "less attractive" (except ol girl in the grey saw her).

What is also disturbing about the "crew neck shirt and jeans" commentary is that it implies that if women wear a certain outfit that she is then "asking for.." some kind of attention. It should be obvious where this line of thinking can go. I don't think Shoshana wants to take it there.


The same day I first watched this video i happened to be walking across a NJ college campus where I came upon a dark skinned, well overweight black woman who upon seeing me dropped her head and stared at the ground. I've seen this many times, it is one of the two general reactions I get when I approach women. The other reaction is for them to look off into the air as if they suddenly caught sight of Superman. Generally the more attractive the woman the more likely I'll get the "I just saw Superman" reaction. The less attractive the woman the more likely I get the "oh damn he might talk to me and I'm not worthy" reaction. Every now and then I get a "good morning/afternoon" or "hi". I assume I should consider this harassment since I did not initiate commentary nor "asked for it". But anyway, the point being that there are some [many?] women who LOVE to get even a fraction of the positive attention that Shoshana got.