Wednesday, February 5, 2020

Road To The Sham: Hitting Sevens

So we had a bit of warm weather which allowed me to run in less clothes. Mid 50s is great running weather and it showed. On a previous post I noted that my "street MAF" average time was 9:20/ mile. Well yesterday I ran a MAF of 8:16/mile with many dips into the 7s. I won't do a track test until March. The great thing here is that I'll likely be able to maintain my target speed at a low heart rate relative to last time. If so, I should be able to hit my PR. The one "problem" now is that I'm running faster than I intended to. I may end up having to actually slow down on purpose as to avoid injury as I'm now over 100 miles/month (which I've only done 3 times before).