Wednesday, October 17, 2007

Apple iTunes Plus Price Drop

Back in my post regarding the new Amazon music store I asked:

From what Steve Jobs has said, the Apple Store uses DRM because they are under contractual obligation to record companies to do so. If that is the case why are the record companies allowing Amazon to sell the same tracks sans DRM? It would seem to me that is an unfair business practice. I would also point out the price difference but it is entirely possible that Amazon is taking a hit on their end rather than the record companies taking it on theirs.
I'm not sure whether I was right or not, but it seeing the actual announcement about the price drop, we still do not see any major label other than EMI, but we do see a whole bunch of smaller independent labels. I am going to go out on a limb and suppose that EMI agreed to the price drop and the independent labels came for the ride. The other labels are still, in my opinion, illegally colluding to "punish" Apple Inc. Seeing as how various top name artists are re-evaluating their attachment to the major record companies, I can only think that this is going to be a lose-lose for those record labels who do not get with the program.

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