Saturday, November 10, 2007

Call Of Duty 4: Modern Warfare

WHAT THE *(*&()*&)(*&!!!
I have the Nintendo DS version of this game and it effin' ROCKS!! I haven't had this much fun on my DS since I finished Golden Eye. Yes I ENJOYED Golden Eye. Well OK Golden Eye and Star Trek Tactical Assault. First thing is that this joint has NICE 3D sound. This is the first game I've actually grabbed my headphones for. The fighting is intense. How intense? Lets just say that I would be up for shooting up civilians if this was actual warfare cause at some points I just held down the fire button and pointed at anything that moved or had a hint of red on it. And yo, that was the first mission.

The problem with this game on the DS is that it, at times, like that aforementioned first mission, can move way to fast for the DS. I have large hands and I was cramping up quickly. The screen is too small for this kind of play. on a 42" TV it's one thing but in the little DS screen it can be a bit much. The other annoying thing is that you have to use the touch screen to turn left and right and up and down. unfortunately that same touch screen, when double tapped allows you to aim through the gun scope. How many times did that pop up while I was trying to navigate? Many. Many, many.

Still this is one of the best games I've purchased for my DS and it has renewed my interest in Golden Eye. Normally I'm not into the war games. The genre doesn't do anything for me. In this particular case I'm not feeling the whole "Middle East" thing but I'm ignoring it for the duration.

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