Tuesday, July 17, 2018

Just Say No To Hand Fees

So as I was exiting the casino yestarday I saw a table with two fellows on it. Looked to see what the conditions were by reading the plaque on the table. Well that was after noticing that the minimum bet was $2.

Yes, $2.

I have not seen anything that low that was not a Game King machine so I read further. Apparently if you bet between 2 and 5 Dollars you get the privilege of paying a "hand fee" of 50 cents.


If that wasn't bad enough, they had a continuous shuffler in use. So the negative expectation on the table was quite high, even if you're bleeding out 2 bucks or so a hand. Of course there were two victims of this cesspool wagering. I laughed out loud as I walked away.

Look, I've done a lot of negative EV moves as I've learned this game, but I never, ever did no shit like that. OK I did accept even money for Blackjack but I KNEW BASIC STRATEGY! Note that it didnt take long for me to figure out just how much I was losing on that BUT it was a learning experience...that I suggest you not follow. But really. Say no to "hand fees'