Wednesday, July 18, 2018

Lets Talk Quintana

So just watched stage 11 of the TDF and have come to the concluseion: Quintana is not a contender. Sorry. It's true. He needs to be made into a domestique for someone else on Movistar or some other team.

I remember his virgin appearance at the TDF. He was unknown and went off and climbed up the mountain. Since nobody knew him, they let him go. Once it was known that he could climb, that was the last time he was given a long leash. Now he is some 4minutes behind the leader. He couldn't keep up with Froome. Couldn't keep up with Thomas. Couldn't keep up with any of the other people ahead of him. This isn't the first time either. Last time, the excuse was he did the Giro. Oh, he fell during a flat stage. Now what? He had a mechanical. Ok. Well that explains THAT day. That doesn't explain today. Valverde ran up ahead and got caught. At that point Quintana should have been able to jump and keep the pressure on Sky. Didn't happen.

It's time to admit it, Quintana is a good climber but he's not winning the TDF. Time for a re-org at MoviStar.

And no, I don't expect anything different tomorrow or in the Pyrenees.