Tuesday, August 7, 2007

Our Fat Is Doing Us a Favor

NY Times reports on the function of fat cells, though I saw no mention of the fact that fat cells form a lubricating buffer between organs. But that other favour that fat is doing?

Dr. Spiegelman and others have shown that with the onset of obesity — defined as 25 or more pounds above one’s ideal weight — the fat tissue starts releasing potent inflammatory hormones. That response is complex and harmful in the long run. But in the short term, said Dr. Spiegelman, “inflammation clearly has an anti-obesity effect, and it may be the body’s attempt to restrain further accumulation of adipose tissue.”
Yeah..so that burning sensation..that would be your body saying put that ish down.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Yeah. And if you are like me and need to drop a few pounds try BitWine. Great website for getting help. http://nutrition.bitwine.com?auid=23679&ctx=blg